Saturday, February 26, 2011

serial usb connector for drone

I thought the component from the link below would help us make a serial usb cable for the drone.

I thought that the following diagram would be useful.

I even ordered some of these molex connectors. I think I may need to buy a crimping tool or something to actually use the connectors. I'll also need to go to Radio Shack for wire and a cheap volt meter.

Look this over and maybe we can come up with a plan for doing this.


  1. Hrmm i like that first link because we have the pin layout, we could really use any usb wire though as long as we know what wire is im not sure if that one will be to our advantage; although easier to make, there will be short range.

    The second link is quite useful, ive actually seen it around a lot and it should come in handy

    And good on ordering a few heads, this might take a few tries lol. As for the wire, crimper, and cheap voltage meter don't do that...i can find us wire to use somewhere in the engineering department, i know someone who has a crimping tool i believe, and as for a cheap volt meter, we can use one of the labs in wooster which is full of them (not small enough to "borrow" though, or i can borrow a smaller one from a friend

    Oh, and as ive mentioning (and so its on the website somewhere) i own a soldering kit that we will probably be using also.


    This is a good link.
